Annapurna Circuit Trekking

  • Overview
  • Details Itinerary
  • Date & Price
Annapurna circuit trekking is also termed to be round Annapurna trekking is another popular trekking trails in the Annapurna region and it is one of the classic trekking destinations and most demanded among the clients of Mount Fuji Adventure. This trekking destination is demanded among our clients because, the trail passes through the well-developed trekking trails where there are available of plenty of resting places such as restaurant, hotels, pub-shops, local houses of various ethnic groups residing in the area. The houses beautifully thatched and stone roofed, the warm hospitality and innocent smiles of people living under these houses are really incredible that you like to spend some time with them chit chat, take picture. Many ethnic groups in the area offer their unique dances and songs along with local food, besides amazing sceneries of the snow-capped mountains. Due to these all the features Annapurna circuit trekking is one of the most demanded packages.

This trekking destination is also famous for the flora and fauna as it is protected by the conservation area and also popular panoramic views of the white-mountain range as it takes to the most outstanding view point namely Ghorepani poon hill, from where you can have splendid views of Mt. Annapurna I (8091m), Mt. Annapurna II (7937 m.), Mt. Annapurna III (7555m), Mt. Annapurna IV (7525m), Mt. Annapurna south (7219m), Mt. Dhaulagiri (8167m), Mt. Manaslu (8163 m), Mt. Nilgiri (7041m), Mt. Fishtail also called Mt. Machhapuchhare (6998m), Mt. Hiunchuli (6441m), Mt. Lamjung Himal (6986m) to name a few. The more you ascend up, the amazing views of mountains, unique landscapes you see and finally reach at the final destination, which is, Annapurna base camp and making excursion around, you return back to down where you will experience a blend of culture of different caste and creeds living in the area such as Tibetan, Sherpa, Thakali, Magars, Tamang, Gurung to name a few. Annapurna Circuit trekking begins from Ngadi or Jagat, some six hours drive from Kathmandu, subsequently the trail continues Dharapani, Chame and you will take a circuit to Pisang or Manang and finally reach its final destinations to Annapurna base camp and making excursion around return back to Manang village and head up to Ledar, Thorong Phedi, Muktinath along the Kagbeni, you will return back to Jomsom and fly back Pokhara and subsequently to Kathmandu.

Outline Itinerary
Day 01: Kathmandu (1,300m) – Besi Sahar drive (820m / 7hrs)
Day 02: Besi Sahar – Bahundanda (1,310m / 7hrs)
Day 03: Bahundanda – Chamje (1,430m / 6hrs)
Day 04: Chamje (1,410m) – Dharapani (1,960m)
Day 05: Dharapani – Chame (2,675m)
Day 06: Chame- Pisang (3,100m)
Day 07: Pisang – Manang (3,440m)
Day 08: Rest day at Manang
Day 09: Manang – Yak Kharka (4,350m)
Day 10: Yak Kharka – Throng Phedi (4,420m)
Day 11: Throng Phedi – Throng La (5,416m) pass Muktinath (3,850m)
Day 12: Muktinath – Kagbeni (2,895m)
Day 13: Kagneni – Marpha (2,650m)
Day 14: Marpha – Kalopani (2,530m)
Day 15: Kalopani – Tatopani (1,189m)
Day 16: Tatopani – Ghorepani (2,853m)
Day 17: Ghorepani – Poon Hill (3,18m) – Hille (1,475m)
Day 18: Hille – Birethanti – Nayapul (1,050m) Pokhara
Day 19: Pokhara – Kathmandu (drive / flight)
Day 01: Kathmandu (1,300m) – Besi Sahar drive (820m / 7hrs)
On the first day upon your arrival you will land on Tribhuvan International Airport, Kathmandu. You will be received by our representative staff from Mount Fuji Adventure. From the airport you will take a drive to Besi Sahar. The drive will take nearly 7 hours. Stay overnight in guesthouse.

Day 02: Besi Sahar – Bahundanda (1,310m / 7hrs)
Arriving at Besi Sahar from Kathmandu you will ascend to Bahundanda which is situated at an elevation of 1,310 meter, taking 7 hours.  Before arriving at Bahundanda you will pass suspension bridge from where you will view Bahundanda. Bahundanda is considered as the Hindu village. Stay overnight at guesthouse.

Day 03: Bahundanda – Chamje (1,430m / 6hrs)
On the next day you will ascend from Bahundanda to Chamje with an altitude of 1,430 meter. At first you will turn up to Kanigaon village passing Marsyangdi. A steep ascend will take you to Shree Chaur. Then, you will arrive at Chamje after passing Jagat and Ghatta Khola taking 6 hours of trek. Stay overnight in guesthouse.

Day 04: Chamje (1,410m) – Dharapani (1,960m)
On the next day you will take another ascend towards Dharapani taking 1,960 meter. Here, you will enter into Manang district after crossing fields of corn, potatoes and barley. You will soon walk through the forests of Rhododedron and bamboo and then finally you will turn up to Dharapani. Stay overnight in guesthouse.

Day 05: Dharapani – Chame (2,675m)
On the following day you will climb few steps towards the ridge all along the numerous landslides. You will get to view the sensational sceneries of Lamjung Himal, Annapurna II and IV. The presence of natural hot spring will make you relax. Chame is positioned at an elevation of 2,675 meter and will end the trek after arriving at Chame. Stay overnight in guesthouse.

Day 06: Chame- Pisang (3,100m)
For the trek to Pisang you will go up from Chame. You will be following the trail through a straight up and thin river valley with thick forest. Your every grief will be satisfied as you prospect the Summit Mountains of Pisang (3,100m). Stay overnight in guesthouse.
Day 07: Pisang – Manang (3,440m)
From Pisang you will begin the trek to Manang, there entails two trails. Both itineraries can be shadow. Afterward there is Jharsang Khola which be supposed to be intersected. There is a village of Gurung acknowledged as Khangsar where you can treasure a small hermitage and prayer flags. Stay overnight in guesthouse.

Day 08: Rest day at Manang
This is a rest day to accustom yourself before you go for the advanced altitude. You can make use of the free time by captivating a look to monastery, Gangapurna Lake. There are lots of things to occupy in Manang so you do not stay at rest with no stretching muscles. Taking rest at Manag will help to trek in Yak Kharka. Stay overnight in guesthouse.

Day 09: Manang – Yak Kharka (4,350m)
On the following day you will move toYak Kharka (4,350 m) taking 3 ½ hrs. Up to here the trail is climbing in its own speed. To turn up at Yak Kharka you have to pass Gunsang with an elevation of 3,960 meter. On the way you will get an occasion to examine different panoramic scenery throughout a day. Stay overnight at guesthouse.

Day 10: Yak Kharka – Throng Phedi (4,420m)
On the following day you will set out for the trek to Throng Phedi which is resting at an altitude of 4,420 meter. Creating the pass you set the trail to Throng Phedi. Here, you will find small   though busy arrangement for trekkers who have to ascend higher altitude they take rest at this point. Stay overnight in tented camp.

Day 11: Throng Phedi – Throng La (5,416m) pass Muktinath (3,850m)
From Throng Phedi you will set the trail to Throng La with an elevation of 5,416 meter by passing Muktinath where you can view the mountains which are enclosed with snow. Throng La is one of the attractions of this trek along with Muktinath with an altitude of 3,850 meter. Muktinath is a religious destination so mostly you can view the devotees. Stay overnight in guesthouse.

Day 12: Muktinath – Kagbeni (2,895m)
Leaving Muktinath you will turn towards Kagbeni, situated at an elevation of 2,895 meter. The geographical location of Kagbeni is very interesting and catchy.  With its peculiar location it has captured in movie named as ‘Kagbeni’. You will like this location. Stay overnight at guesthouse.
Day 13: Kagneni – Marpha (2,650m)
Moving from Kagbeni you will arrive at Marpha. From Kagbeni you will descend to Marpha as it is situated at an elevation of 2,650 meter. The setting of Marpha is quite similar with that of Tibet. Here you will get to experience the life of people staying over here. Stay overnight at guesthouse.

Day 14: Marpha – Kalopani (2,530m)
Again from Kagbeni you will take a downfall to Kalopani with an elevation of 2,530 meter. You will arrive to Kalopani via Tukuche. On the way to it you are allowed to view several things. ‘Kalopani’ when it is translated in Nepal it means ‘Black water’. Stay overnight in guesthouse.

Day 15: Kalopani – Tatopani (1,189m)
From Kalopani you will begin the trek to Tatopani, which is situated at an elevation of 1,189 meter. You can enjoy the trek along with bathe in the hot and natural spring in Tatopani as ‘Tatopani’ means ‘Hot water’. With that bathe the skin disease will be cured and you will sense relaxed. Stay overnight in guesthouse.

Day 16: Tatopani – Ghorepani (2,853m)
On the following day you will leave Tatopani and then head to Ghorepani which is to be found at an elevation of 2,853 meter. The trail passes two shiny streams prior to create short and final hike to Nangethanti. Ghorepani is the perfect location from where you can view the high mountains. Stay overnight at guesthouse.

Day 17: Ghorepani – Poon Hill (3,18m) – Hille (1,475m)
On the following day you will get up early in the morning and head to the Poon Hill. Poon Hill is exactly the place from where you can spectacle an astonishing image of daybreak and a panoramic outlook of the Himalayas, counting Mount Dhaulagiri, Mount Annapurna and Machhepuchre, and etc. Completing the hike at Poon Hill, you will soon begin the trek to Hille which is positioned at an elevation of 1,475 meter. Stay overnight at a guesthouse.
Day 18: Hille – Birethanti – Nayapul (1,050m) Pokhara
On the following day you will trek to Birethanti with crossways to Seuli Bazzar and the Modi River. Birethanti, a small and lively town close by Pokhara is suitable place to have lunch. So, from Birethanti you will arrive to Pokhara through Nayapul. It is relatively admired for fish delicacy. Overnight stay at a hotel.
Day 19: Pokhara – Kathmandu (drive / flight)
On the following day you will wake up early so that you can enjoy the sunrise from Sarangkot along with fantastic snow-capped mountain ranges. Visiting different caves, Tibetan refugee cave, and enjoy boating on the lake you will return to Kathmandu via roadways or airways and from Kathmandu you will return your hometown. You will be remembered and would like to see you again. 
Start Date End Date Availability Price  

Trip Facts

Duration: 19 Days
Accomodation: 3 star hotels in Kathmandu and Pokhara. Tea houses during the trek.
Altitude Height: 5416
Seasons : February to May and September to second week of the December
Level: Moderate to Fairly Strenuous
Trip Departure:
No. of Pax : 1 - 12 people
Mode of Travel:

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