Upper Mustang Trek

  • Overview
  • Details Itinerary
  • Date & Price
Upper Mustang Trek with itineraries of 17 days provides a dramatic trekking by taking the trekkers into the Trans- Himalayan setting. In those setting where trekkers will be able to sense the persuasion of Tibetan way of life. The elevated wilderness region with the Tibetan border to Kagbeni is normally referred as the Upper Mustang. When trekkers travel to Nepal for trekking they should not miss Upper Mustang Trek as it summarize different trek under one trek.
Upper Mustang Trek itself is a core attraction for the trekkers as it entices with years of ancient caves, monastery, charming exquisiteness, and diverse local tribes. Trekkers can begin the adventurous trek via Kaligandaki gorge. Upper Mustang Trek is mainly acknowledged for Annapurna, Nilgiri, and Dhaulagiri with numerous peaks. Nepal tours via Upper Mustang Trek will let its admirer to explore the Alpine Valleys, glaciers and lofty peaks. In addition, Lo- Manthang, the 4 storey palace is counted as the major highlight of Upper Mustang Trek in terms of architectural design. Tiji festival is further magnetism of Upper Mustang Trek which takes place in either late winter or spring.
Mount Fuji Adventure as one of the Nepal trekking companies is offering the trek in a sensible way. Likewise, Nepal trekking season for Upper Mustang Trek is spring and autumn. Nepal tour packages like Upper Mustang Trek will make the trekkers to participate in trekking and hiking. For further detail the trip grade of Upper Mustang Trek is moderate whose maximum altitude is 3,810 meter. Upper Mustang Trek is designed for the trekkers who are willing to test their strength by accepting the defy as they have to set into “off the beaten paths”.

Outline Itinerary
Day 01: Arrive in Kathmandu
Day 02: Sightseeing in Kathmandu and trek preparation
Day 03: Kathmandu to Pokhara (823m) 6 hrs
Day 04: Flight to Jomsom and trek to Kagbeni (2,858m) 3-4 hrs
Day 05: Trek to Chele (3,050m) 5-6 hrs
Day 06: Trek to Syanbochen (3,475m) 6-7 hrs
Day 07: Trek to Ghaymi (3,520m) 5-6 hrs
Day 08: Trek to Charang (3,500m) 4-5 hrs
Day 09: Trek to Lo-Mangthang (3,700m) 5-6 hrs
Day 10: Explore Lo-Mangthang (3,700m)
Day 11: Trek to Drakmar (3,810m) 6-7 hrs
Day 12: Trek to Ghiling (3,806m) 5-6 hrs
Day 13: Trek to Chhuksang (3,050m) 5-6 hrs
Day 14: Trek to Jomsom (2,700m) 6-7 hrs
Day 15: Flight to Pokhara
Day 16: Drive to Kathmandu
Day 17: Departure!!!!
Day 01: Arrive in Kathmandu
This is the first day where you will land on Tribhuvan International Airport, Kathmandu. As soon as you will arrive you will be received by the representative staff from Mount Fuji Adventure. From there you will transfer to hotel safely where you will discuss upon your arrival. Stay overnight in hotel.

Day 02: Sightseeing in Kathmandu and trek preparation
This is another day in Kathmandu where you will spend rest of the day by sightseeing the sights of prosperous Kathmandu Valley including Pashupatinath temple, Swayambhunath, Bouddhanath and so on.  This is the day to explore the arts and culture of Nepalese people. In addition, you will prepare for the trek a well. Stay overnight in hotel.

Day 03: Drive to Pokhara (823m) 6 hrs
On the following day you will take drive to Pokhara completing the sightseeing in Kathmandu. From Pokhara you will move out to trek Tikhedhunga. This is the first destination from where you will begin the trek. Tikhedhunga is positioned at an altitude of 1,552 meter. Stay overnight in guesthouse. 

Day 04: Flight to Jomsom and trek to Kagbeni (2,858m) 3-4 hrs
On the next day after arriving at Pokhara you will take another flight to Jomsom. Taking some rest you will soon begin the trek to Kagbeni. Kagbeni is situated at an elevation of 2,858 meter. The geographical location of Kagbeni is very interesting and catchy.  With its peculiar location it has captured in movie named as ‘Kagbeni’. You will like this location. The trek demands 3 to 4 hours of stroll. Stay overnight at guesthouse.

Day 05: Trek to Chele (3,050m) 5-6 hrs
On the following day taking special permit you will carry out the trek following the Kali Gandaki River. As you move on you will be offered pleasing destination. You will take some upward and downward movements and will arrive to Tangbe village and Chhusag.  Creating the tunnel you will turn up to the village of Chele village with an altitude of 3,050 meter, taking 5 to 6 hours of trek. Stay overnight in guesthouse.

Day 06: Trek to Syanbochen (3,475m) 6-7 hrs
On the next day you will leave Chele and then head towards Syanbochen which is positioned at an elevation of 3,475 meter. You will begin the trek to Eklo Bhatti by ascending Taklam La Pass with viewing Tilicho Peak and Damodar Danda. Taking downward direction to Samar will take you to Syanbochen. Stay overnight in guesthouse.

Day 07: Trek to Ghaymi (3,520m) 5-6 hrs
Waking up early in the morning you will head towards Ghaymi which is placed at an altitude of 3,520 meter. You will have your breakfast at Yamda La after crossing local villages and chortens which is similar to the Tibetan style. When you ascend to Nyi Pass it may take extensive time then, with a downward movement with will lead you to Ghaymi. It is enclosed with huge barren fields. Stay overnight in guesthouse.  

Day 08: Trek to Charang (3,500m) 4-5 hrs
On the following day you will begin the trek with refreshing walk. Passing Ghaymi Khola and long mani walls you will reach Charang. Charang is positioned at an altitude of 3,500 meter where you will get to see the massive white dzong and red Gompa. Stay overnight in guesthouse.

Day 09: Trek to Lo-Mangthang (3,700m) 5-6 hrs
This is the day to start the trek to Lo- Mangthang with an altitude of 3,700 meter taking 5 to 6 hours of trek duration. As you approach Lo- Mangthang you will be able to outlook Tilicho, Nilgiri, Bhrikuti Peak and Annapurna I. the trekking trail will smoothly soar up to Lo from where you will view the vistas of Lo-Mangthang Valley. Stay overnight in guesthouse.

Day 10: Explore Lo-Mangthang (3,700m)
On the following day you will just spend your time by exploring Lo- Mangthang including Tingkhar and Namgyal Gompa which are placed at the crest of monastery. These are actually the last villages of Lo-Mangthang or you can visit other attractions of this destination like Raja’s palace or four-storey building. Stay overnight in guesthouse. 

Day 11: Trek to Drakmar (3,810m) 6-7 hrs
After exploring the things in Lo – Mangthang you will set into motion for the trek to Drakmar (3,810m) through Gyakar. This is the ancient Ghar Gompa which is renowned for Rock painting. It is said that if anyone makes a wish at Ghar Gompa it will be fulfilled.Drakmar takes 6 to 7 hours of trek. Stay overnight in guesthouse.

Day 12: Trek to Ghiling (3,806m) 5-6 hrs
On the following day you will get back to Ghiling taking 5 to 6 hours of trek as it is positioned at an altitude of 3,806 meter. Arriving at Ghiling you will take lunch and then will explore the nearby surroundings. Stay overnight in guesthouse. 
Day 13: Trek to Chhuksang (3,050m) 5-6 hrs
On the next day you will leave from Ghiling and head towards Chhuksang which is to be found at 3,050 meter and it consumes 5 to 6 hours. In Chhuksang you will be able to view the Himalayan vistas. Stay overnight in guesthouse.

Day 14: Trek to Jomsom (2,700m) 6-7 hrs
From Chhuksang you will take downward movement so that you will turn up t Jomsom. Jomsom is a beautiful and chilly place which is situated at an altitude of 2,700 meter and it takes 6 to 7 hours to complete the trek.  Jomsom is mainly acknowledged for trekking and from here it will open the trail to Pokhara. Stay overnight in guesthouse.

Day 15: Flight to Pokhara
On the following day you will take a flight to Pokhara from Jomsom. Arriving at Pokhara you can indulge yourself in several adventurous activities like Paragliding, boating and exploring caves. Apart from that you can enjoy the beautiful sceneries. In the evening you will move out around the local markets. Stay overnight in hotel.

Day 16: Drive to Kathmandu
On the following day you will drive back to Kathmandu from Pokhara. On the way to Kathmandu you will view the scenic beauties. Arriving at Kathmandu you will take some rest and will remember those beautiful days which you had spend during the trek. Stay overnight in hotel. 

Day 17: Departure!!!!
This is the day for depart so you will be transferred into Tribhuvan International Airport from the hotel so that you will return your hometown or towards next destination. You will be remembered and would like to see you again. 
Start Date End Date Availability Price  

Trip Facts

Duration: 17 Days
Altitude Height: 0
Seasons :
Trip Departure:
No. of Pax :
Mode of Travel:

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